benefits of GOJI(wolfberry)
Wolfberry is also another name for the western snowberry, Symphoricarpos occidentalis.
Wolfberry is the common name for the fruit of two very closely related species: Lycium barbarum (Chinese: 宁夏枸杞; pinyin: Níngxià gǒuqǐ) and L. chinense (Chinese: 枸杞; pinyin: gǒuqǐ), two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper, and tobacco). Although its original habitat is obscure (probably southeastern Europe to southwest Asia), wolfberry species are now grown around the world, including in China.[1]
It is also known as Chinese Wolfberry, Red Medlar, Bocksdorn, Cambronera,[2] Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree,[3] or Matrimony Vine.[4] The name Tibetan goji berry is in common use in the health food market for berries from this plant.
The benefits of Goji Juice are many, feedback from Goji Juice drinkers has shown that it may help assist with;
-Dissipation of aching and discomfort in muscles and joints
-Improvement in vision
-Increased flexibility
-Improved quality of sleep
-Sharper memory and a more focused train of thought
-Heightend energy levels
-Quicker recovery from excercise and physical acitivity
Therefor, this kind of berry, like so many other berries, have undeniably health benefits if taken. But for patients with other complications, better see your doctor first.